Monday, April 6, 2009

Discovery Toys

I am now a Discovery Toys independent consultant. I get to earn extra money by playing with toys!! What fun!! Check out my webpage: Let me know if you would like to host a party and earn free toys for your little ones or if you'd like to sign up to earn extra money.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Looks like new

What a difference a couple of coats of paint can make. Elizabeth's dresser looks great! I painted it white and the details and drawer pulls in purple to match the walls.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Making our house a HOME

It has taken a year but we are finally getting around to putting our stamp on our house and making it our home. We have been busy painting, painting and painting. So far we've conquered Christopher and Elizabeth's bedrooms. Not to brag but wow I'm proud of how they turned out. Take a look and let me know what you think.

I found this super cute Disney bedding at Walmart and viola.....we now have these super cute bedrooms. Elizabeth's is a flower garden with butterflies and Christopher's is a safari animal theme. I was scared to paint his room green but I went for it and it turned out great. Today I tackled Elizabeth's dresser. It was an off white color, chipped up, not so attractive. The drawer pulls are drying now so when I have it completely finished I will post a picture of it. I'm super proud of it also.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Wow it's been forever since I've posted!! Here's an update:

Christopher started kindergarten at Bishop Flaget this year and he is doing really well. It amazes me how much he is learning each and every day. He brings home a "baggie book" every night that he has to read three times, sight words and math homework twice a week. I don't remember kindergarten being that busy back in the day!! Of course with Flaget being a catholic school, he is also learning very important christian values.

Elizabeth is in preschool at Paint Valley and she loves it. She is also learning so much and can write her name very well now. She will join the ranks of Bishop Flaget next year and attend pre-k there. She has taken a liking to Hannah Montana so we listen to her contantly in the car since I broke down and bought a cd. Could be worse, she could love the Jonas Brothers....

I'm so proud of them both!!

I've just finished up my third season of coaching cheerleading at Paint Valley HS. I coached with a good friend, Andrea. We had a great group of girls this year! As always there were plenty of "tough times" but all in all, we had a fun filled season. We not only cheered for the football and basketball teams but we had a small competition squad. I'm already looking forward to next year! Go Bearcats!!

Rick just took over the Kings Mills Recruiting Company. This is so much better than his 1st sergeant position at North Bay Recruiting Company....can't even put it into words. Those were the toughest years of our marriage yet. He has less than two years until he can retire.